Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Make Your Contact Form a Success

Does your website have a contact form? Do your web visitors ever use it?

If you’re a typical website owner, your answers might be “no, I just give a link to my email address,” or “we get very few inquiries through our contact form.”

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Make Your Contact Form a Success

Does your website have a contact form? Do your web visitors ever use it?

If you’re a typical website owner, your answers might be “no, I just give a link to my email address,” or “we get very few inquiries through our contact form.”

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Promotional products are things like hats, mugs, T-shirts, water bottles, pens and basically anything else that you can put a logo on. If you look around your office or home you will probably see many different promotional products lying around. This is one reason why promotional products are bette Read More
When a marketing channel is performing, but not up to your expectations, it can be difficult to know what to do about it. Here are some tips that you can use to identify the true costs of keeping a channel open. Read More

The many dangers of NoFollow

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 3791 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on May 8, 2014 12:34 am
3000-word thought leadership article on everything you wanted to know about NoFollow and why you really don't want to know anything about NoFollow. Read More
Building your brand through targeted content is a more effective long-term strategy and algorithmically more "natural" manner of acquiring links. Read More
ParStream, provider of the leading Real-Time Database for Fast Data Analytics, today announced a strategic partnership with global Business Intelligence (BI) vendor, Yellowfin. Read More
ParStream, provider of the leading Real-Time Database for Fast Data Analytics, today announced a strategic partnership with global Business Intelligence (BI) vendor, Yellowfin. Read More
Among all the challenges of email marketing, increasing open rates is perhaps the top concern. Here are 4 ways you can create a persuasive email letter that will compel an above average response rate. Read More
The geeky folks at kapost created an infographic in which they looked at the key distinctions between Star Wars and Star Trek, and connected them to another marketing passion: content strategy. Read More

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