Mywealth voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many investors look at emerging markets such as China as potential protection against falling dollars. No one wants to lose money any more after the market crash of last year, but neither can anyone afford to miss out potential huge growth ahead. Money is flying back to Chinese stocks causing valuations to rise rapidly. Are there still windows of Read More
In this article, Mike Conlon expresses his opinion about the trend of the pair USD/JPY. There could be a major reversal technically due to the huge hammer price action. Fundamentally, Japan reported that consumer price fell a record 2.4% as deflation is putting further pressure on a already fragile Japanese economy. Also, Bank of Japan Officials a Read More
In this article, Chris Vermeulen, the writer is sharing his opinion about Gold Stocks, Gold ETF, Silver, Oil, Natural Gas, and SPX. Are Gold stock are pulling back and precious metals continue to move? Will gold and silver break the current relationship ans start to move higher? Crude oil is starting to come alive. Last week's technical breakdown Read More
Yesterday, the Bank of England vote unanimously to leave the size of its asset purchase plan unchanged at 175 billion pounds and voted to leave interest rates unchanged at 0.5%. This is seemingly good news for the Pound in the near-term, as the currency markets are reflecting this morning with the British pound up vs. other currencies. But what is Read More
As the health care debate continues to its next phase, the far left decides as to whether or not President Obama is still their champion. Stocks like Aetna (AET) and United Health (UNH) have reacted. Read More

Where's the Bottom?

Where's the Bottom? - Avatar Posted by mywealth under Finance
From 5408 days ago
Economies move through a series of expansions and contractions known as the business cycle. This should not be news to anyone with even a modicum of financial acumen, yet it amazes me that those who are tasked with understanding this basic concept get it so wrong time after time. Read More
Buffet is indeed one of the greatest investors to ever walk the face of the earth, and his strategies and ideas carry tremendous weight.   He influences the influencers and very often his beliefs are taken out of context and therefore misunderstood and lead to stock bubbles.  Read More
What drives an investor to buy a stock? Is it the fundamentals? The technicals? A combination of the two? Well I'm not quite certain anymore. You can basically throw all of the textbook answers out the window when it comes to today's equity markets. Why do I say that? Because I believe that the only thing that is driving this market is the no Read More
Lately, I've been talking about the dollar's decline...and so far, I've been right. However, the last few days in the market has gotten some traders to question their positions and its even scared others out of their positions. Not me! Here's why... Read More
You know things have gotten a lot better when one of the biggest concerns in the economy is commercial real estate, because six months ago this was something that was put to the back of the worry list and here it is at the fore-front. Read More

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