Sarahfaitth voted on the following stories on BizSugar

On any given year in the US, about 135,000 people are injured or fatally injured in a commercial trucking accident. Now imagine how many suits are filed because of these occurrences – thousands upon thousands. Read More
When conducting digital marketing for business, reporting is key. But good reporting is easier said than done. You can’t just throw a bunch of metrics on the page and call it a day. You need to provide data that are relevant to your client in a clear, structured, and compelling way. Read More
In fact, and sadly so, the list of things that you should avoid in your off page SEO activities is not only long but growing quickly too. It has become a veritable minefield, and every wrong step means your business will suffer.

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The main way to prevent fraud in your business is by putting the right checks and balances in place so that the opportunity to steal does not arise. For small businesses this can be hard because it can add bureaucracy and usually has a cost associated with it.
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Converting leads into customers requires a carefully tailored B2B strategy. You need to make contact with other businesses and convince them to buy your business’s products or services. Of course, this is easier said than done. Luckily, we’re here to help with your B2B leads generation. Read More
As the adage goes, cash is king.

By ensuring that your small business has enough cash in the bank in order to pay the bills, you can set the groundwork for success.

Cashflow is the number one reason for small business failure, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are 2 quick ways... Read More
f you’d read this blog section before, you probably know that while posting to business directories remains a White Hat SEO practice, it is not really efficient as it used to be for ranking and link-building purposes.
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We all love to think our pages are fine-tuned and optimized for the all-knowing Google. That just comes as part of being an online creator. But why is it that so many hopeful pages produced by individuals and companies end up on the 2nd or 3rd page of search results instead of the first? Read More
What should you do when your rankings slip? Well, first things first: You need to figure out what is causing the drop in your rankings. From there, you can adjust your SEO strategy accordingly or seek out the help of a B2B Internet marketing firm. So let’s take an in-depth look at the reasons.. Read More
While the sales learnings were interesting, I had an Aha! moment on how to better collect accounts receivable. For small business owners, overdue invoices are the bane of their existence as it hugely affects cash flow and the overall health of the company. Read More

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