Techmedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Direct Public Offering, also known as Regulation A+, is poised to significantly bring down the cost of raising capital for businesses in the US when it becomes legal. And when it does, it could overshadow even its more popular regulatory sibling under the JOBS Act – Crowdfunding.

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Organic SEO offers manifold benefits to your online business. Increased traffic, brand credibility, user-friendly web pages, and consistent results are a few to mention.
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Entrepreneurs Who Chase Dollars

Entrepreneurs Who Chase Dollars - Avatar Posted by tammyhawkbridges2 under Marketing
From 3699 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on May 17, 2014 3:57 am
The first morning I woke up as an entrepreneur is something I’ll never forget. It was about 4 a.m. in the morning, the house was all quiet, and I was thinking to myself, I don’t have a real job. I got up and paced the floor with one word in my head, foreclosure. I think back to that time and I was Read More
What are the values of owning a blog for your business? Here are 5 important reasons why a blog is good for business. Read on and find out… Read More
Technology is evolving at a rate so astounding that even the experts shake their heads some days. But with every new smartphone or wireless router that enters the market, there are a slew of hackers out there waiting, watching and working to figure out new ways to hack into those devices and gather Read More
One of the coolest things about getting your system going is that once it starts, it has a powerful snow ball effect.  Like I've mentioned countless Read More
In January, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals essentially struck down the 2010 Open Internet Order. Today, the FCC voted to create new rules and regulations regarding net neutrality, leaving the door open for potential “two lane” Internet.
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There are dozens of personal cloud storage services, but which one is the best deal for you or your company? Here's my pick of the best of them. Read More

Making the Case for Instagram Marketing

Making the Case for Instagram Marketing  - Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Social Media
From 3699 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on May 16, 2014 7:34 am
Did you know: 65% of the world’s top 100 brands, as determined by Interbrand’s Best Global Brands reports, were active on Instagram at the end of 2013? But, you might argue, Instagram is still pretty much mobile only, you can’t include click-able links in Instagram posts, the advertising is expensi Read More
Got two minutes? If so, you can check the relevancy and simplicity of your PPC landing page to quickly get ideas to boost the ROI of your PPC traffic. Read More

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