Thesocialfirm voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Your professionalism stands for itself in your resume and experience. Your social media should remain just that – social.
Be YOURSELF. Be HUMAN. Build your personal brand based on who you really are. After all, if a company doesn’t like the content you’re posting, then maybe you aren’t a good fit Read More
It may seem too basic to be effective, but email marketing is still one of the most reliable methods for communicating with a target audience. Whether you choose to send an email newsletter or an e-zine, utilizing this form of communication has countless benefits for your business. How Email Market Read More
Where does one start to build this foundation? I heard this question at a recent Summit and it has stuck with me, “What is your WHY?” Start there. Take a product, an event, the company culture, and make it personal. That is what will make you unique, because out of all of the products and business Read More
Apps account for seven out of every eight minutes of media consumption on mobile devices and when broken down between smartphones and tablets, they account for 88 percent and 82 percent of usage, respectively, according to the study. Read More
Many people think they’re qualified to take over digital marketing operations in addition to their other responsibilities. Unfortunately, this often leads to poor digital marketing practices and ineffective strategies. Hiring a specialized team from an agency or establishing an internal team will r Read More
Content marketing is the business strategy of the future. It boosts organic search results, which appear naturally when quality pages are relevant to a query. Combined with the added SEO benefits of content marketing, your company’s website can easily land at the top of multiple search engines. Sin Read More
Digital marketing is a crucial part of business operations for any company desiring longevity and success in their market. With the changes of the digital age, consumers are impacted in different ways than before. The Social Firm is equipped with extensive knowledge, strategic marketing methods, an Read More
QR Codes have been around for years, but some companies still don’t understand the benefits they can reap from utilizing them. The service industry is one industry in particular that can experience success from using this tiny tool. Here are three ways that the service industry should be using QR c Read More
Building a compelling marketing strategy requires understanding the unique characteristics of a company's customers. In the wildly popular young adult book and film trilogy "Divergent," characters are sorted into one of five categories based on their dominant personality traits. Read More
When it comes to social advertising, you need a strategy. You can easily burn through your funds if you don't plan ahead. Here are 5 social media advertising tips to help maximize the budget and ROI of your campaigns. Read More

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