Typhoon voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The best bloggers have certain mindsets that make them more motivated and their writing more likable. Here’s what 10 highly ranked blogs have in common. Read More
Distractions are there for each and every blogger. Here are some common distractions that bloggers often face and the solutions to deal with it. It will surely help you blog better. Read More
Want to know the methodology for achieving click through rate as high as 20% just like I get? Then read here how to write articles that will get you results like me. Read More
Learn the 5 secret ways to increase your online income by selling more product through email marketing just by adding some ‘social’ things to your marketing campaign. Read More
If you’re like me, you’ve faced your share of struggles as a blogger. Here are a few signs that you should take that recovery break, relax yourself, and enjoy the fresh air to start blogging again properly! Read More

21 Resources for Writing Guest Posts that Kick Some Serious Butt

Avatar Posted by AggieBrad under Social Media
From http://bigfeetmarketing.com 4916 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on February 11, 2011 6:16 pm
Should you be guest posting? If so, how do you do it? Where will you post? How can you make the most out of your guest posting opportunity? Read More
An interview with Pallav Nadhani, founder of FusionCharts, about how he built the company at 17 into a multi-million dollar business with customers like Google Read More
Search Engines are now paying more attention to online ‘brands’! Establishing yourself as a brand can win you new exposure...Learn how here. Read More
From keyword optimization in website content to social media sites, these SEO tactics help get more website traffic and improve search engine page ranking.

Good search engine page ranking with relevant keywords is the key to getting more traffic for your website. More website traffic increases Read More
When I got into blogging 2 years ago, I really had no idea what I was in for. I figured I’d do my research, write my content, obtain some traffic and then monetize my blog with advertising and affiliate marketing – sounded easy enough. But what no one tells you is that blogging is not for the faint Read More

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