Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The post-digital generation, otherwise known as Generation Z, were those born between the mid 1990s and 2010. Unlike the baby boomers, this generation grew up through trying financial times and a lack of stability.

Gen Z are notably recognised as being people who are driven and with a determinat Read More
Stuck with a blue screen with the huge sad smiley face, which is probably what you are feeling right now. This blue is screen is every Windows user’s nightmare and we call it The Blue Screen of Death. And if you see system_service_exception error on the screen, these methods will surely help you fi Read More
Take our fun quiz and test your online marketing knowledge. We also provided useful resources so you can sharpen your online marketing skills! Read More
Why do some leaders succeed while others fail? Most great leaders succeed because they have a high degree of emotional intelligence.Here's a deep look into each of the four pillars of emotional intelligence to help you discover how you can become a better leader.

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As you build a small business, it’s important to consider the present. But you also need to think about the future. There are ways you can ensure your business is able to grow and scale over time.
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Maintaining high productivity is a struggle we all face. As I sit writing this now, I can’t help but see the city skyline bathed in sun through the windows which line the room. The warmth eeks through the open doors Read More
Understanding the differences between processes, policies and procedures, will help you systemize your operations and destroy inefficiencies.
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If you want to take your small business to the global stage, there are things you can do to achieve just that - here are two of them. Read More
Whether you’re managing a schedule or organizing your time, there is one simple trick to improve your workflow for any and all tasks. Read More

Process Adherence: What to Do When No One Follows Your Processes

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Management
From https://www.process.st 2655 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on June 27, 2017 12:30 pm
Processes aren’t just a set of documents and rules that help your business run efficiently and reduce human error…

They’re also something that needs to be part of your company culture. Process adherence is the culture side of systemization, and that makes it one of those hard to grasp concepts w Read More

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