here's how to do your own brief Management Accounting exercise. Hopefully this will underline the ease and value of the process!


Written by elainerogers
4432 days ago

"Mark it down and change what you can." A lesson for all of us, in any aspect of our business, Aileen :)

Great pointers, and so easy to do with the right information.

In my endeavour to get online, my plan for 2013 is to get my accounts online also - exactly for the reasons you state above - ease of access for me and my collaborators (accountant, VA etc) and reducing data entry with receipt scanning and cash payments.

Written by nialldevitt
4449 days ago

Brillant post & good to have you back with us here at TYB, Aileen. This is practical actionable information that small business owners can put into practice right away. Thanks also for including the spreadsheets, there great!

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