3 Lies that "Social Media Experts" Like to Tell

3 Lies that "Social Media Experts" Like to Tell  - http://socialmediatoday.com Avatar Posted by FixCourse under Social Media
From http://socialmediatoday.com 4351 days ago
Made Hot by: DMDdistribution on July 20, 2012 4:07 am
The number of Twitter followers someone has doesn't make them an expert.Which is obvious, but unfortunately misunderstood.They way consumers shop today has evolved.


Written by denisefay
4348 days ago

Hi Brad,

Loved the honesty of the article because it's all true! I've definitely found that as I live in Ireland, blog commenting is also cultural. You'll find very few people commenting on blogs in Ireland and Europe compared with the US.

Thanks for sharing your article here on bizsugar.com. Keep them coming.

Take care,


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