Earlier this morning I've spoken in Riga, Latvia at iLive Internet marketing conference. However, I didn't have to fly over the Atlantic for this one. This was my first time to present via a video conferencing... To be honest with you, I was somewhat nervous about the whole idea (strangely, I would much rather be on the stage than in front of a web camera). However, it went pretty well.

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Written by HeatherStone
4407 days ago

I definitely agree that video conferencing is the next best thing to live on stage. Unfortunately, not all of us are photogenic. Another drawback is that if the conference is recorded, as many are, mistakes become preserved for all history. How do you avoid unfortunate stumbles during a video conference?

I'd love to hear some pointers.

Written by prussakov
4406 days ago

Heather, thank you for your comment.

Re stumbles: these can (and does) occur on stage too; and I, personally, am absolutely fine with that. It only shows that you're a real person (not a speaking machine). My bigger problem with video conferencing (vs on stage speaking) was having to sit still in my armchair and be limited in gesticulation and movement(s). It may be just me, but it's very hard for me to address a subject I'm passionate about, and be constrained as to the expression of the passion. :)

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