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What to do when your business is getting you down

What to do when your business is getting you down - Avatar Posted by devan under Management
From 3478 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on December 2, 2014 10:22 am
Every business owner deals with a roller coaster of highs and lows. Daniel Mason shares what to do when your business is getting you down. Read More
There are things successful people do that separates them from the crowd. Brad shares what some of those are. Read More
If you consider yourself a know-it-all social media guru, you're in for a surprise. Following the rapid evolution of social media analytics tools, industry experts are able to extract lots of new and increasingly detailed information that helps marketers to create more effective social media strate Read More
The holidays are very nearly upon us; Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away! We’ve all heard about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but what can social media do for your small business this shopping season? Read More
Guest posting has been popular for years as a strategy to build brand visibility, improve SEO, and build credibility. But as with most content strategies, the art of guest posting has evolved quickly, and today, there are several particularly effective tactics for entrepreneurs looking to capitaliz Read More
Like many entrepreneurs, you probably have little doubt that your startup business idea is so innovative and foolproof that there’s almost no chance of failure. The statistics, however, suggest that the only real certainty in business is that more than half of all new startups fail within the first Read More
You have finally finished creating the perfect copy; it is written clearly, the content is compelling and engaging, but you’re still not converting customers – why is this?

It doesn’t matter how well your copy is written or what it says; if the call to action at the end of the copy is unclear, y Read More
For many nonprofits, the holidays are when they receive the bulk of their donations for the year, and email marketing is one of the main drivers of giving. So, to help you excel at fundraising this holiday season, here are some tips for email marketing: Read More
I want to start a new side business. Where can I find info to help me choose the best niche? The following answers are provided by members of the YEC. Read More
One of the first harsh realities that every entrepreneur has to learn is that most of the things that are critical to startup success are outside of their direct control. Just because you dream it and build it, doesn’t mean they will come – that encompasses not only customers, but also investors, p Read More

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