Advertising On Facebook Ads: A Guide For Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by chrissb under Advertising
From 5061 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on September 20, 2010 6:41 am
Facebook advertising can be a great way for small businesses to drive awareness, generate leads, or gain more Likes. Learn how with this in-depth guide.


Written by srawlings
4944 days ago

This is really helpful, a good primer. Thanks for posting this!

Written by iya.villa
4986 days ago

Facebook is now more than just a networking community stuff, it is good for business now depends on the strategy,but it really helps.

Written by angel148
4993 days ago

great site..

Written by q4sales
5061 days ago

Some great tips in here, Chris. I like the section on Getting Cheap Clicks.

Written by chrissb
5061 days ago

Thanks. It can make a big impact on the success of a campaign.

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