Mobile devices have become so engrained into our daily lives that many of us fall asleep with our favorite gadgets next to our beds - or even still in our hands. With always on connectivity and mobile devices within grabbing distance, the most mundane of activities is forever altered: the morning routine. Zendesk and bussiness2community joined forces last month to find out how your mobile mornings take shape.


Written by lyceum
3496 days ago

I thought this was a funny illustrated infographics! ;) I have often started the day with checking my smartphone for updates, notifications and new emails. But I will stop with this routine, and start the day with doing some exercise or meditation session, then having something to eat, going to the bathroom and then getting dressed. I will then write at least 250 words on my forthcoming book. After all these things, I will check my phone / tablet and computer for new stuff.

Do you think I will be able to manage this? :)

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