What's Your Signature Response to Problems?

What's Your Signature Response to Problems? - http://www.ducttapemarketing.com Avatar Posted by ducttape under Customer Service
From http://www.ducttapemarketing.com 5470 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 8, 2009 1:27 pm
I've written often that one of the ways to create goodwill, positive buzz and happy customers is to exceed expectations. Responding proactively to problems offers, in my opinion, one of the easiest ways to exceed expectations available.
Problems happen, that's a fact, and you can choose to respond to customer challenges, problems, let downs, screw-ups and mistakes in one of two ways. You can ignore them and create the kind of friction that drags your trust into the ground or you can respond in such an over the top, out of control, nobody does that kind of way that can turn problems into gold mines. If you want to exceed expectation, choose the latter!


Written by ShawnHessinger
5468 days ago

Yes, customer satisfaction is definitely important! Often people are reluctant to invite criticism fearing it makes them appear unprofessional or, worse yet, uncertain about their product or service. This is, of course, not the case. The only caveat here is to make sure you are listening to the right people. Don't waste time and resources adjusting your business model for a small group who will never be satisfied and has a history of this type of complaining, especially, as is often the case, if they prove to be people who do not and would not under any circumstances use your product or service. Listen politely and always consider criticism to see if it makes sense, but save the rapid response for your customers not the guy who likes to complain about everything but has no intention of using your product or service anyway.

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