Emails Dazzle Readers
Do you want your emails and newsletters to dazzle your readers and get opened? I found this infographic that may teach us how to have that happen before we send that next email. The fourth quarter of the year is most important if you are selling online. Last year alone 144.8 billion emails were sent daily. Emails must still work if that many are being sent daily. It’s more of a challenge to have those emails opened now. The average open rate across all industrials is at 31%. That means 69% of emails are not even opened.


Written by HeatherStone
4027 days ago


I love this post and, of course, the infographic that goes with it. It sometimes amazes me that, with so many emails sent (and received) they remain such an effective form of communication. (You'd think people would have a very jaded approach to something they receive so much of.) I'm wondering to what degree you've tried specifically the recommended terms above in your email subject line and what kind of response you've seen. It would be great if you could share any insights in the comment section on BizSugar for the benefit of our whole community.

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