There’s a lot of buzz being generated about which email marketing services is the best to use. The two services gaining quite a bit of attention are Constant Contact and MailChimp. Let’s take a look at the two systems with the goal of helping you decide which program will work for your needs.


Written by IndigoVerge
3661 days ago

Very straightforward and informative post, Leah. I also think that MailChimp is the better alternative, especially for a small company with limited budget. The lower price and better user interface are exactly the reasons why we switched from Constant Contact to MailChimp for all our email marketing campaigns. One more advantage I see is the great WordPress plugin of MailChimp, it’s very handy and the configuration is a no-brainer even for new WordPress users.

Written by HeatherStone
4488 days ago

This is a really great overview of the two services! I haven't used either, however I think I'm going to give MailChimp a try, based on your post. Thanks!!

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