Marketing stupidity on the grandest scale

Avatar Posted by waltgoshert under Direct Marketing
From 5883 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 20, 2008 2:28 pm
Denny Hatch, direct marketing guru, describes his unpleasant Kindle moment.

"My Kindle arrived last week, and, in a word, Amazon's fulfillment stinks."


Written by Aaronontheweb
5880 days ago

Denny reads like a grumpy old man who forgot to take his back pill. "A BAR ASKED ME FOR A CREDIT CARD TO RUN A TAB, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE?"

WAKE UP, Denny. It's 2008! Every bar I've ever been to has asked me to run a tab by holding a credit card - I don't get into a hissy fit over it!

The Kindle is a great device, having just written about it myself and having purchased one for my father. Getting upset over having to turn on "1 click order" in the manner that Denny did is absurd.

I think Denny's points about the email from Jeff Bezos being less of a "pat on the back" are spot on; everything else reads like the rantings of an old man who has lost touch.

Written by dobbie
5880 days ago

Ditto on the whining! I only voted for this because it's entertaining. Plus, Denny's revised copy is much better.

Written by JenNel
5880 days ago

I'm afraid Denny is ranting a bit too much on this one. Don't all bars require a credit card to open a tab??

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