Finding Health Insurance if You Are Self-Employed

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Employee Benefits
From 5964 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 29, 2008 2:15 pm
If there is one thing that separates the self-employed from those employed by others, it is their preoccupation with health insurance.

Many entrepreneurs seem to find health insurance after doing a lot of research, though they generally pay more than they think they should. Some who are in good health bet on remaining that way and forgo health insurance or get policies with low premiums and high deductibles, choosing to insure themselves for mostly catastrophic illness. Some are lucky enough to have a well-insured partner.

The unluckiest are those with chronic illnesses or the dreaded pre-existing condition that results in a denial of coverage. Many of these people abandon dreams of entrepreneurship altogether because they need jobs that come with a health plan and they cannot find a way to self-insure.

The comments also revealed that the health care system is a state-by-state patchwork, with options varying based on where you live. A 60-year-old owner of a mail order business from Illinois wrote that she was unable to get insurance until about 10 years ago when Illinois started a high-risk pool with Blue Cross Blue Shield.


Written by emd5005
5960 days ago

Wow this is a great post. I recently had to find some health insurance of my own, as I'm currently a freelance consultant. Luckily, since I'm young, don't smart, and have no serious health issues, I was able to find some fairly good insurance for about 200 bucks. What bothers me is that my brother is going through the same insurance and he pays half the price. when I inquired as to why, it was because he didn't have "woman parts." I later learned what that comment meant: maternity insurance.

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