Need a little help motivating employees? We have some great tips from business owners on how you can start improving your workplace's culture today!


Written by ShannonW
4300 days ago

Thank you, Heather for your comments! I completely agree; employees have a much greater chance at reaching their full potential when their work environment is positive. I wish more bosses would realize the importance of acknowledging hard work and rewarding employees for it — even if it’s with something as simple as a $10 gift card or a ‘thank you.’ Goes a long way in creating job satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Written by HeatherStone
4305 days ago

Hi Shannon,

Great suggestions here. A happy workforce is a productive one, for sure. I don't understand how some bosses lose sight of that, but sooner or later it will affect their bottom lines. Thanks so much for sharing this post with the BizSugar community.

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