How to Estimate the Cost of Starting a Business from Scratch

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Finance
From 3469 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 28, 2015 1:39 pm
How much is it going to cost you to start the business you’ve dreamed of?

In 2009, the Kauffmann Foundation estimated that the average start-up cost was approximately $30,000. The truth is that no business is the same and many micro-businesses can get started for as little as $3,000 or less.

Here are some simple tips for calculating your start-up costs.


Written by Caron_Beesley
3467 days ago

Small world!! Yes, but minimally, it's a billing/payment challenge at the best of times!

Written by lyceum
3467 days ago

Caron: What are the challenges with international billing / payments?

No "cheque in the mail"?! ;)

Written by Caron_Beesley
3467 days ago

I'm in the U.S., started my business in the Washington DC metro area, now in Raleigh, North Carolina. Kept my clients, all virtual!

Written by lyceum
3467 days ago

Caron: Thanks for the information! I have a friend located in the Carolinas. Do you have international clients too?

Written by Caron_Beesley
3467 days ago

I run a home-based marketing communications business. My costs are inherently low. So I only needed to equip my business (laptop, home office, web site, biz registration, etc.).

Written by lyceum
3467 days ago

Caron: Thanks for the information! Where are you located?

Every business I have started, except for a café combined with a business center, have been

Written by Caron_Beesley
3467 days ago

Less than $3k!

Written by lyceum
3467 days ago

Caron: Yes, I saw that you wrote that in the article. Did it cost you less than $3000 to start your company? What kind of company did you start?

Written by lyceum
3467 days ago

How much did it cost to start your company?

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