How To Generate Digital Marketing Passive Income Now

Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Finance
From 168 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on February 16, 2024 12:05 pm
Are you looking to diversify your income streams and build a financial cushion? Digital marketing passive income offers a lucrative avenue for generating recurring income over time. Unlike active income that requires your constant effort, passive income allows you to earn money with minimal ongoing work.

Through strategic digital marketing efforts such as affiliate marketing, online courses, and e-books, you can create sources of passive income that continue to generate revenue long after the initial work is done.

This blog post will explore the concept of passive income in digital marketing and its potential benefits for those seeking financial stability and freedom.


Written by PhilipVergheseAriel
158 days ago

Hi Lisa,

Glad to be here again.

Just finished reading your

infomative piece and the comment of Martin. Though i have a web i seldom tried this marketing. Needs to learn more on this from you and Martin :-)

Written by lyceum
157 days ago

Thanks Phillip for your comment. Talk soon! :)

All the Best,


Written by Inspiretothrive
158 days ago

Thanks Phillip, It really takes a lot of traffic and targeted traffic. Took me years to get it!

Written by lyceum
161 days ago

Lisa: I talk about my journey regarding affiliate marketing in my latest video on YouTube. I have now a team of about 40 individuals that have used my affiliate link. It will generate a passive income over time. I prefer the word, residual income as an extra side hustle business, at the moment. I am an active affiliate marketer, working together with my team members (fellow affiliates, members, and potential retail customers using my referral link), for their success and future goals. This form of a buyers / membership club with a referral marketing process, will change this field to better.

Best Premises,


Written by easkmewebsite
161 days ago

Digital marketing is a multi-million dollar business. But only few of the marketers achieve that level of success. The major roadblock is understanding of issues and skills to resolve them.

Written by lyceum
161 days ago

Gaurav Kumar: How are you doing?

All the Best,


Written by Inspiretothrive
161 days ago

That is true! As well as knowledge of SEO to grow.

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