Why do some businesses prosper, whle others fall? Why are some countries richer than others? While there are a variety of explanations depending on the situation, the core answer is efficiency.

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Written by lyceum
5486 days ago

You are right that it didn't start with Obama. You have to "thank" Bush senior & junior for that heritage and the Presidents before that.

I recommend you to check out Ayn Rand Center's site for a rational response to the financial crisis. You will find plenty of food for thought there. http://bit.ly/MF0mL

Written by ShawnHessinger
5487 days ago

Don't want to be drawn into a political debate here but the inefficiency did not start with the Obama administration. Some of the proposals I've heard thus far haven't thrilled me but then I expect very little from politicians in the economic arena. The worst idea has probably been the effort to prop up huge unsuccessful corporations, something unfortunately leaders on both sides of the aisle have been too willing to do. Of course, all this monkeying with the economy has been going on for some time, long before our financial meltdown. The attempt to prevent slow evolution in defense of the status quo has resulted in more rapid, violent change because, of course, ultimately change cannot be stopped.

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