3D Technology: Will 3D Franchises Start To Appear Now?

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From http://www.thefranchiseking.com 4023 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on July 26, 2013 11:32 pm
The technology for 3D printing is already in place. Now, if those of us in the franchise industry can just figure out what to do with it...like franchising 3D printing production.


Written by lyceum
4017 days ago

Joel: Mainstream media outlets in Sweden have been covering the 3D printing development. But good printers are still pretty expensive, right? That is why a franchising idea like Kinko's with 3D printer could find a market. I also see 3D printers leasing contracts at co-working spaces with a focus on the creative industry.

I have to read about how you could print your own food... I saw a link in your post to an article on 3D food. How does it taste?

Written by BizPlanMentor
4017 days ago

As a former franchisee I can see 3D printing becoming a huge industry. It can be fairly "easy" to franchise this concept also. There already are walk in 3D printing "boutiques" open for business.

Written by franpro
4017 days ago

Thanks for commenting. This may turn out to be BIG. The Franchise King

Written by HeatherStone
4018 days ago

Hi Joel,

Really interesting idea here. There could be a couple of possibilities, as I see it. Franchises that make products on demand. Or franchises that offer the service of 3D printing to create customized products for customers. Anything I'm missing?

Written by franpro
4017 days ago

Hi heather...my mid was racing when I was writing this post. Unlimited ideas! The Franchise King

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