So, how much does it cost to open a franchise? In this detailed article, The Franchise King® goes over all the costs. And more!


Written by franpro
401 days ago

Martin...A lot of people don't have $100k sitting around, but if they can come up with $50k, say for a franchise investment of $150,000 or so, they may be able to secure a loan. As to "easy"- nothing is easy. But it's definitely possible! Subway franchise cost is around $180k or so to start a new one. Maybe more with inflation. Joel

Written by lyceum
401 days ago

Joel: Thanks for the information! Do you know when Subway will be sold?

Written by lyceum
402 days ago

Joel: How many individuals have at least $100.000 in order to start a franchise in today's economy? Is it easy to get a loan for this kind of business? How much is it to start a Subway restaurant?

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