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A few tips for the uninitiated business traveler on your visit to the Holy Land.


Written by rreewwqq123
4761 days ago

Very interesting , i will try it. Thank for your post:)

Written by m4bmarketing
4848 days ago

You have definitely put a new perspective of what it is like if you travel to Israel Yoni!


Written by ronika
4850 days ago

This is great advice, Yoni (it should be included as an addendum to the travel books!). Israel sounds like a fascinating place. A few of my friends have spent time on Kibbutzes which is such an interesting idea.

In India they are exactly the same about punctuality and refer to it as "Indian Standard Time".

Written by yoni67
4850 days ago


Thanks! It is a fascinating place but one that often feels like a powder-keg ready to blow. Very stressful yet also beautiful.

I love the bit about Indian Standard Time! Classic!

Kibbutz volunteerism is quite a popular thing. There will be a huge influx in a month or so of tens of thousands of volunteers for the summer. Milking cows. plowing fields. Making the desert bloom.

Also interesting is thousands and thousands of people come each summer to do a three month volunteer stint in the IDF (non-combat). That's how my sister started out 20 years ago...she liked it so much she stayed.

Many people also find the volunteering in the IDF so valuable and challenging that they end up dropping out of college to enlist.

There are also quite a few jews from India that have immigrated to Israel. Here they call them "Bnei Menashe" (The Children of Menashe). They are widely considered to be one of the Ten Lost Tribes.

It's a cool country and well worth the visit...especially now that things are relatively calm.

All the best,


Written by hamed1
4850 days ago

I am an Israeli Arab so I am partial to Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, and Abu Ghosh for the best hummus in the world. Come all to Israel!

Peace/Salaam/Shalom to all!

Hamed Ji'bril

Written by yoni67
4850 days ago


I don't have a single visitor that comes that I don't direct up the Jerusalem/Tel Aviv highway up to Abu Gosh. The best hummus in the world and the world record for the largest plate of hummus.

As far as Bethlehem, it's right out our salon window, right across the wadi. Great view!

Salaam Aleichum,


Written by shepherd
4851 days ago

Nice job Yoni!

Hopefully the peace and quiet will be the new reality!


Written by yoni67
4850 days ago

Amen dog!

Written by businessavante
4851 days ago

Fascinating, Yoni!

I especially like #8 - dress. Personally, I think who ever invented the neck tie should have been hung & then re-hung! (Some miss the days of trench coats, fedoras & cigars, wingtips & the "monkey suit" - not me, baby!*)


*(I'm stealing George's "babies".)

Written by yoni67
4850 days ago


I came here with 8 ties in my duffel bag. I wore one to a meeting once and everybody stared at me and said "lose the tie!" Haven't worn one since. There is something to be said for informality.

Actually trench coats are pretty cool. Sort of hearken back to the days of Bogey and Gable. I guess flashers kind of gave the trench coat a bad name.


Written by BradenM
4851 days ago

Great job! I'm sure the department of tourism will be proud! I'm also happy to see the pride you have in your country and how it is being reflected in your business.

I like the diversity part and about the airlift. It's nice to see some historical facts.

Travel to Israel for pleasure or business!


Written by yoni67
4850 days ago


My pride is equally split between the U.S., my country of birth, and Israel, my adopted country.

I like the diversity part too. It's great to walk around every day and see people from all over the world, coming home!

The airlifts are an immense source of national pride. Jesse Jackson said once that it was the first time in history that Africans were transported from one country to another without being chained. Stephen Spielberg keeps promising to immortalize it in Hollywood film. I'll be waiting.


Written by saraib820
4851 days ago

Very nice job my dearest!

Written by yoni67
4850 days ago

Thank you!

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