People change jobs regularly, and for many different reasons. Better job offers, relocation and ‘just trying something new’ are all valid reasons for an employee to hand in their notice.
But what about the ‘negative’ reasons that cause employees to leave? These are the reasons that could be prevented and should inspire change within your business to reduce or eliminate others leaving under the same circumstances.


Written by BChignell
3768 days ago

Thanks for the comments Val & Bizrock. I agree with both points :)

Written by BizRock
3768 days ago

When employees leave a company, bosses almost always act surprised.If you're losing good workers and you're not sure why, the problem may lie with your firm's management style and you can fix that.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3770 days ago

There are so many reasons an employee will leave your company and one of the most popular reasons is not treating him well. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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