According to a Manta small business survey, it turns out that education don't really matter much compared to experience.


Written by ivanpw
4063 days ago

Teepu, Goran, Val - indeed, from my own experience college education can give you some fundamentals, which can help you a lot - only if you practice what you've learned.

Written by tcamba
4063 days ago

I think the same way too, although a college degree is not necessarily a recipe for success in your business, it does provide you with insights and memories to cherish! :)

Written by bigmoneyweb
4063 days ago

In my own humble opinion, the truth is that collage education does not matter that much in small business although, it can have some impacts on it but, its not very necessary. There is certainly nothing like a front line experience. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by BizRock
4063 days ago

Interesting topic about does college education matter in small business... I agree with that education don’t really matter much compared to experience. Thanks for this article.

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