This week we're going to look more specifically at Facebook and how it fits in with HR and Recruitment strategies. It's pretty obvious why more and more recruiters are looking towards Facebook for talent acquisition; there's over 6.5 million Aussies on Facebook according to (that's 39.27% of the online population); it's the 2nd most visited site in Australia after Google Australia; it's free to create a page (well apart from the content, any additional development work the page needs, and ongoing management of the page and community); the working population are using it — 29.3% of Facebook users are aged 25-34, 28.8% are part of the coveted, hard to reach Gen Y population (aged 18-24), 30.4% are aged 35+ and the fastest growing segment according to Nielsen; and they're using it a lot — the average time spent on Facebook in the month of August was 5 hours, 46 minutes; that's triple the amount of time they spent on Google!


Written by ShawnHessinger
5410 days ago

I'm sure there are many uses for Facebook though, with the current signal to noise ratio, using it for focused communication remains a fine art.

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