Overtime pay: A ticking time bomb

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Human Resources
From http://money.cnn.com 6027 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 29, 2008 12:32 am
Everything you thought you knew about overtime may be wrong. The number of small businesses facing overtime suits has exploded since 2004, when the U.S. Department of Labor revised the FLSA to clarify which workers are exempt from overtime laws. In doing so, it boosted the number of protected employees.

Last year the department announced judgments and settlements in the millions against small businesses, which often have more exposure because they lack in-house legal teams or HR departments. A New Orleans security company was assessed $185,385. A small oil-and-gas outfit in Houston owes $1.1 million. A Las Vegas construction firm owes $1.2 million.


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