Small Business Legal Guide: Recording Phone Conversations

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From 4916 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on February 11, 2011 7:11 pm
Thanks to Nancy Byerly Jones who tweets at @LawBusinessTips sharing great legal tips for small business for this link on recording phone conversations. There may be many reasons in your small business why you may wish to record phone conversations with a client, supplier, customer or vendor, but it is important to understand, especially in our increasingly global economy, how rules guiding the recording of such conversations may vary. Here's a primer looking at least at U.S. law and comparison of individual state laws touching on the issue. Thanks again, Nancy!


Written by LWatrous
4916 days ago

I thought it was almost always illegal to record a call without consent....interesting thing to consider. Good thing I conduct the majority of my business via email so everything is right there in black and white.

Written by businessavante
4916 days ago

I'd heard some of this on Judge Judy - in some states it's actually a crime to record a call w/o consent.


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