10 Tips to Promote Your Next Webinar

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Management
From http://www.marketingtechblog.com 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: Siraj on December 27, 2013 3:29 pm
n 2013, 62% of B2B used webinars to promote their brands, which is up from 42% the year before. Obviously, webinars are gaining popularity and they are working as a lead generation tool, not just a marketing tool. Why should you incorporate them into your marketing plan and budget? Because webinars rank as the top content format in driving qualified leads.


Written by tiroberts
3864 days ago

Webinars are really great for building more exposure and engagement, but if it's a free webinar I think that they should be more value packed and shorter. More like 20 to 30 mins of really high value, actionable content, rather than an hr long. We are really busy and biz owners so our time is valuable and should be respected. Thanks for shairng your insights with us.

Written by BizRock
3868 days ago

Nice and good article!I really like to all those tips,very helpful.

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