3 Books Small Business Owners Should Read

3 Books Small Business Owners Should Read  - https://forum.web.com Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Startups
From https://forum.web.com 3507 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on December 2, 2014 10:17 am
There is so much small business owners need to know to operate at peak performance. Luckily we live in the Information Age with plentiful resources. To help you sift through some of the data, every week we’re going to look at three business books and the lessons you can learn from reading them.


Written by lyceum
3500 days ago

I have to add these books on my future reading list! ;) I got intrigued by this title: "Sell Local, Think Global: 50 Innovative Ways to Make a Chunk of Change and Grow You Business"

Have you heard the word "glocal"?

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