5 Myths about Motivating Your Employees

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Management
From http://www.entrepreneur.com 5510 days ago
Made Hot by: patrick on June 26, 2009 1:43 pm
Yet every industry and every organization has people who simply do not produce work in the quality that they are capable of providing. That can create costly problems for a manager. Let's debunk some motivational myths.


Written by tcamba
4277 days ago

Treat your employees as your partners and recognize the value of their work. Ask inputs how your business can be improved . If your employees understands what the business means to you , they will unselfishly give you their support. Treat your employees as your inside customers.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5509 days ago

I've got to say this post surprised me by including some quite insightful ideas. I like number one myself and have often practiced it. I think treating employees miserably when their performance is less than perfection will always be a loosing strategy.

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