One of the most important attributes of a strong and powerful mindset is that it is positive. That may sound obvious, but if you really think about it, it does make sense. Positive people expect...


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4965 days ago

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your comment and your Sugar.

I fully agree and thank you for pointing this out.

Being positive does not mean losing our objectiveness!

And, I also agree with your second point, I believe there is always a learning to be grabbed from any of our experiences (by the way, I wrote another post on this exact same topic, and it is on BizSugar too,


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4971 days ago

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your comment and your Sugar.

I fully agree and thank you for pointing this out.

Being positive does not mean losing our objectiveness!

And, I also agree with your second point, I believe there is always a learning to be grabbed from any of our experiences (by the way, I wrote another post on this exact same topic, and it is on BizSugar too, published under my own name, called "A Positive Mindset Turns Failure Into Feedback")


Written by ivanwalsh
4971 days ago

Hi Frederique,

I think where most of us get this wrong is confusing being positive and being realistic.

For example, if a product isn’t selling well, being ‘positive’ helps to stick with it for a while... but one also needs to stand back and examine why it’s not working. That’s being realistic.

and another thing is to see what you can learn from failures rather than feeling defeated.


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4965 days ago

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your comment and your sugar!

I fully agree, and thank you for pointing it out.

You are right, being positive does not mean we lose all sight and our business compass!

Regarding your second point, I actually happen to have published a post on that exact same thing a couple of days ago ;-) It is on BizSugar too, but under my name:

I also beleive that there is always a learning to be grabbed, from all our experiences.


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4965 days ago

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your comment and your Sugar.

I fully agree and thank you for pointing this out.

Being positive does not mean losing our objectiveness!

And, I also agree with your second point, I believe there is always a learning to be grabbed from any of our experiences (by the way, I wrote another post on this exact same topic, and it is on BizSugar too,


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