We are moving into the era of entrepreneurship and consulting. To recognize your transferable strengths and determine how you can apply them is hence crucial. Click on the headline to watch and read more and then let us know your thoughts


Written by CatarinasWorld
3343 days ago

Absolutely, Heather. That's the next step:-)

Written by HeatherStone
3343 days ago

Hi Catarina,

I think leveraging your existing skills for other opportunities is clearly one part of the equation. But perhaps another is leveraging the uniqueness of those skills to maximizing their value within a given market. (Why be just a plain old business consultant if you can be a business consultant with expertise in maximizing site monetization, for example?) My take is that too many entrepreneurs are focused only on a going rate for their service, product or expertise making growth difficult. Instead, they should be focusing on setting their expertise or service apart from others in the market so they can build revenue by increasing value rather than volume.

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