Entrepreneur, Pioneer, or Both

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Management
From http://www.cfowise.com 4988 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on December 1, 2010 6:03 pm
What do entrepreneurs and pioneers have in common? When it comes to adversity, they both have it, but it usually comes from behind. Why? Because there's no one in front of them--they're forging new ground, discovering new opportunities, and charting untamed lands and businesses!


Written by bangs.garcia
4981 days ago

Im pleased with that idea, it can be both... And its great!

Written by businessavante
4988 days ago

I'm not sure why the arrows would always hit the pioneer in the back - there were Native Americans west of the pioneers - great trackers - who could have hit them in the chest. If he's saying no one's ever in front of him, he better have a real good set of binoculars! (I'll assume he's not saying they're all cowards.)


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