How To Get Started With a New Virtual Assistant

Avatar Posted by itsmichelleguo under Management
From 3807 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on February 24, 2014 3:59 am
You’ve hired a fantastic business-grade virtual assistant – now what?

The key to working effectively with your virtual assistant is to take the plunge and delegate, delegate, delegate.


Written by maeshy
3806 days ago

I'm a virtual assistant and one of the most important thing for me is to have a documented instruction from my boss. This way, I can continue to work on my own even if my boss is not online.

Written by OpenSourceMedia
3807 days ago

True, true and true. Your virtual assistant is nothing without you even working. That's why it is called, assistant. Right?

Written by itsmichelleguo
3806 days ago

Exactly. A great virtual assistant is a complement of you, not a replacement.

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