A major step towards recognising such behaviours is being ‘reflexive’. Although a strong buzz word in the world of education and facilitation, I truly believe this is a useful tool to have knowledge of in the business world also.
Hi Patrica, when I was a kid I used to get bullied quite a bit, it was a horrible experience at the time! Then one day, because I literally had no choice, I fought back! It was amazing in that the bully quickly became afraid of me and ran away. He never choose to bully me again after that. The lesson I learnt from that experience and that day, allows me now to spot the potential bullies at a distance. When this stuff happens in the workplace, it can in some cases be nastier because it is invariably harder to prove. A previous company, that I worked for asked me to fire two salespeople for no good reason, other than one of the senior manager wanted to flex his power. I refused! But had to leave a year later because their focus then turned to me. Thanks for sharing.
4992 days ago