By now I think most of us are familiar with the latest You Tube sensation that is “Ted Williams. Here are 4 ways he created his own luck.


Written by LWatrous
4931 days ago

I'd never heard of Ted until this very moment. You bring up excellent points. Sounds like we all need to be more like Ted! I had no idea Michael Jordan had ever been cut from his high school basketball team. I bet that coach felt pretty dumb after a while...we also need to remember things like that when we start to lose hope and motivation.

Written by careerscoach
4931 days ago

Really appreciate your comments. Glad to have reached one of the few who had not heard about Ted. I think the important lesson here is that no matter how successful we become...we all must overcome personal hurdles and a few doubters along the`way.

Written by nialldevitt
4931 days ago

Ted's is such a great story and as you say a great reminder to us all that's it's never too late. "He believed in himself and in his ability" that's a great point Greg and one that I hadn't thought of until now but you are right of course. It would have been all too easy for him to doubt his talent because of his situation but he didn't. Inspiring stuff!

Written by businessavante
4932 days ago

Believe me, Greg - 10 years in Ohio is punishment enough!!

businessavante (a lifelong Northeast Ohio native)

Written by careerscoach
4931 days ago

LOL....Your words not mine;)

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