Tony Harvey: For some years now managers have been using the system of SMART goals and objectives to help them set targets for themselves and others. SMART has classically stood for : S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Realistic T - Timely
I have found that SMART doesn’t go far enough. It tends to lead to mediocre goals.


Written by lyceum
4995 days ago

Hi Anna Smith, You are welcome. Edwin Locke is one of my favorite speakers and business writers. I am glad to hear that you searched for more information on goal setting. All the Best, Martin Lindeskog.

Written by lyceum
4996 days ago

Anna Smith: I think that the author of post, Tony Harvey, has a point with extending the goals in a new way. A pioneer in goal-setting theory, Edwin A. Locke, has described how you could use stretch goals in your work.

Written by wdywft
4996 days ago

Hi Lyceum,

Thanks for your comment. I just googled Edwin Locke, and according to Wikipedia, one of his theories is "The harder the goal, the more a person will work to reach it." That's pretty powerful stuff. Thanks again!

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