SOC 2 Compliance Made Easy (with Process Street & Drata)

Avatar Posted by kahlua16 under Management
From 463 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on April 22, 2023 1:32 pm
SOC 2 has a reputation for being difficult and complex. You could argue that this is by design, since you need help from a small group of top-notch, pricey experts to be compliant. A kinder view is that it’s just how info security operates (there’s no one-size-fits-all fix). To set up the right protections, a company has to either create them according to the risks they face, or narrow down a huge list of possible controls, again, considering the risks. In a nutshell, SOC 2 goes with the first option: it sets broad criteria and lets each organization come up with controls to meet those criteria, based on their unique risks. Sounds reasonable, but it’s not exactly a walk in the park for those who aren’t experts.In this post I’ll introduce you to Drata and Process Street, two essential tools that, when used together, provide a complete solution to help you speed up and simplify your yearly SOC 2 compliance.


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