As a business owner or manager, when someone comes to you with a problem, what's your first reaction? Sit down and tease it out with them? Determine what they are looking for from you?


Written by businessavante
4859 days ago

Hi Irial.

I trained a gal as a co-worker. She continued to ask how to handle routine problems (covered in basic training months before & reiterated every time any issue came up). She did this right up to her last day (17 months). Every time, I not only answered as to what to do, but explained the reasoning behind it so she could handle it on her own. I realized it was done so that if anything ever went wrong, she could say I (or any other co-worker) told her to do it that way. (We were all middle-aged.) The punchline: After she moved on, another gal who fully understood the situation (as she also had to feed her answers all day) confided that the one that left complained that I was always lecturing!!!!


Written by nialldevitt
4859 days ago

This is a really useful post, Irial. I'm helping a number of

clients with their online/social media strategy where I'm often expected to

come up with and be the workable strategy for the Biz entirely. Because

these technologies are new to the people, they may prefer me to be their

social media manager, and I will need to remind them that this is not the case. Sometimes it takes a few attempts but after the while they see the value in taking ownership for their own strategy and SM marketing.

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