Today's Economy is No Place for Control Freaks

Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Management
From 5392 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on October 22, 2009 2:22 am
I had a driveway moment this morning in the Panera parking lot. I was just about to turn the ignition off when Scott Simon (NPR Weekend Edition Host) mentioned that his next interview was going to be with Jared Cohen, the State Department's point person on social media and youth issues. This interview took place in Mexico City, where Jared is currently at the Alliance of Youth Movement Summit. So there I sat—driveway moment. And I got my payoff toward the end of the interview with this quote from Jared Cohen:

“The 21st Century is a bad time to be a control freak.”


Written by lyceum
5391 days ago

I recently went to an event by the Computer Association of Sweden in Gothenburg. You could sense the fear by the participants from not having the "control" over the new media landscape.

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