What are the psychological differences between men and women?

This week, during a management training course a delegate named Tracy asked a question that I have heard many times before:

“Is there a gender difference between men and women in terms of being more logical or emotional?”

This question implies one or more of four meanings:

1. Are women more rational than men?
2. Are men more rational than women?
3. Are women more emotional than men?
4. Are men more emotional than women?

If you are interested in this question, please read on …………….

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Written by HeatherStone
4521 days ago

Interesting post. Unfortunately I have run into too many men in the (American) workplace that are quick to judge women as irrational, not because of the decisions these women make, but because of the way they communicate. It's important not to generalize, but, as a member of an historically oppressed group--women--I have to say that women have to work harder to appear dispassionate in order to be taken seriously. Men's passion about a subject is perceived as energy, drive, vitality, but women's passion about a subject is often seen as irrational, emotional, and unstable. While it's great that you ascribe to these less prejudicial attitudes, unfortunately it's taking the business world longer to adopt them. Great post, and great ideals!

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