What makes someone who would prefer to be an employee become a business owner? Well there are many reasons and I'm sure you will know some people who fit into these descriptions, do add others that I have omitted from this list...


Written by nialldevitt
4856 days ago

Hi Mairead, It's understandable that staying motivated is difficult for a lot of business people right now;

my attitude has always been to look for the opportunity that exists in every situation. Too many of us continue to think that there is value in trying to push boulders up mountains, there’s not! Too many of us believe that there is value in trying to sell stuff to people that really don’t want it, there’s not! Talk to customers, find out exactly what they need now and build your offering around this. When things are difficult, this is the very best time to innovate, to be creative, to explore new ways of doing.

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