Want to get ahead on TikTok? Check out the 12 best TikTok analytics tools that can help you improve your strategy this year…

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Written by lyceum
645 days ago

Adam: I am still on the fence regarding TikTok, but it is fascinating how many tools are used for this tool.

Written by adamjayc
645 days ago

I am as well. I might give it a try in the future.

Indeed. There are a huge number of tools for this. But what's most surprising is that the majority of social media tools do not support TikTok at all.

And those that do support TikTok in some way, don't fully support it. For example, Iconosquare does TikTok analytics but not scheduling. Pallyy does scheduling & comment moderation, but not analytics.

Although, knowing how efficient Pallyy is with updates, I'm sure they could add analytics fairly quickly. They built out one of the best social inboxes I've tested in less than a month!

Regardless - adding any sort of support for TikTok has been a great way for some brands to get an edge on their much larger competitors.

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