13 Website Mistakes to Avoid... - Papermark Blog

13 Website Mistakes to Avoid... - Papermark Blog - http://papermarkgraphics.com Avatar Posted by papermark under Marketing
From http://papermarkgraphics.com 3445 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on February 3, 2015 5:59 pm
When putting together a website, either by doing it yourself, or paying a developer to do it, it's easy to overlook a few things. There are, after all, lots of layers to a website.

So I thought I'd put together a list of common problems I see on websites that can cause lost sales for the website owner. And nobody wants that, right?

Here are the 13 website mistakes. Are you making any of them?


Written by HeatherStone
3441 days ago

Hi Janice,

My two cents? We see a lot of business blogs here on the BizSugar community. It's a fine line between letting customers know who's behind the scenes at your company (so they feel comfortable doing business with you) and making a blog or website all about you. Thanks for sharing.

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