"Have you ever published a blog post that just flat lined?

You put everything you have into your post, publish it, then promote the post as much as possible and wait for the hordes of raving fans to comment.

You wait and wait, but still nothing.

Then a few comments trickle through but you’re sat there thinking – is my content even being noticed?

Does this sound familiar?

You’re not the only one who has experienced this, we have all been there.

In this post I’ll share why comments are important and how to start getting far more comments than you thought possible."


Written by lyceum
3628 days ago

Adam: Thanks for your reply.

I didn't know about the lack of notifications from Google+. That is really an issue Google has to solve.

Have you been using other commenting tools, e.g., Livefyre?

Written by lyceum
3631 days ago

Adam: Thanks for sharing plenty of ways of getting more comments on a blog. Funny enough, I couldn't figure out how to comment on your blog post! ;) I saw comments under your post, but I didn't see the comment field for writing a new comment.

What's your take on Google+'s comment feature?

Written by adamjayc
3629 days ago

Strange, I've got 86 comments on the post - worrying! I'll be removing Disqus soon so shouldn't be an issue.

G+ comments have so much potential but notifications don't really work on G+ so pretty much means it's fallen on it's face. If you aren't seeing notifications, you can't engage with your community.

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