3 (Data-Backed) Digital Marketing Trends You Must Prepare For by 2019

Avatar Posted by Sam-Hurley under Marketing
From https://postfunnel.com 2097 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on November 1, 2018 6:59 am
100% confident about your Digital Marketing strategy in 2019?

There are 3 fundamental trends that will change EVERYTHING. (Forever).

You must get ready for them. Now!

See The [Data-Backed] Marketing Trends To Prepare For by 2019...


Written by lyceum
2092 days ago

Sam: Great to hear! ;)

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
2093 days ago

Sam: Thanks for your input! :)

All the Best,


Written by Sam-Hurley
2093 days ago

Always a pleasure, pal!!! :)))

Written by lyceum
2094 days ago

Sam: I also think that all three will have mass impact over time. I bet that the blockchain technology will be implemented in several areas over time. Voice search / recognition will come big as you will find practical applications in your home and at your office. Visual search, VR, and AI will take some time to implement, I think. Look at Google glasses, do you see them around, nowadays?

All the Best,


Written by Sam-Hurley
2094 days ago

Definitely, Martin!

Blockchain has the potential to completely transform many verticals for the better…

Voice search is already the biggest of the 3, I’d suggest.

Visual search is finding its way — The whole Google Glass thing probably wasn’t the best-timed concept in a world full of hardcore cell phone usage! ;-) New tech like this generally takes a long time for people to accept; especially as phones are all-encompassing and a daily (or even hourly!) habit.

Cheers for your thoughtful response,


Written by lyceum
2094 days ago

Sam: Regarding the third trend, voice search, have you heard about the service called Signal Signal? It is searching for keywords in videos (YouTube), and podcasts. I learned about this company from attending the big book fair and media days, in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Which trend do you think will have the most impact in the near future?

All the Best,


Written by Sam-Hurley
2094 days ago

Hey Martin, :-)

Thanks for reading — And of course, for leaving this awesome tip about Signal Signal (never heard of it, but checking it out now!).

Really interesting stuff. Like a ‘Mention’ for audio listening! I’ll be keeping tabs…

I honestly think all 3 will have massive impact, in the same order listed above!

How about you?

Thanks again, buddy!


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