3 Powerful Content Marketing Lessons from Louis C.K.

Avatar Posted by copyjuice under Marketing
From http://copyjuice.com 4277 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on November 12, 2012 12:41 am
What can a standup comic teach us about groundbreaking marketing? A lot! Find out how standup comedian Louis C.K. used a content marketing strategy to become one of the most prolific comedians in recent history. Plus, discover how your business can follow his lead.


Written by lyceum
4274 days ago

I have to look into Louis C.K.'s standup comedy. Drew Carey is good at promoting his personal brand. Another example is the app Just Sayin by Ricky Gervais.

Written by copyjuice
4274 days ago

I think there are a lot of standups doing interesting things like that. By the way - if you like Ricky Gervais, he plays Louie's doctor on the FX show - and is hilarious!

Written by HeatherStone
4275 days ago

Hi Kasey,

I agree. This is a post on a topic that needs to be better understood by all entrepreneurs. Your content, expertise, and brand are what create the real value in your business. Too many entrepreneurs worry they lack the capital or assets to start their business. But many businesses without much in either of these departments have been successful anyway simply by focusing on the brand they create, and content is a huge part of that.

Written by copyjuice
4274 days ago

Yes! That’s why I think a content marketing strategy is the perfect match for a bootstrapping entrepreneur. Thanks for the comment, Heather!

Written by ShawnHessinger
4275 days ago


You wrote:

"Standup comedians are a type of small business owner.

They are brands. They are often entrepreneurs and innovators. They’ve been doing content marketing long before it became a buzz-worthy concept."

First, what a unique way to look at standup comedy and not necessarily the conventional thinking. Second, this is a great reminder that it is their content and brand that entrepreneurs really need to own!

Written by copyjuice
4275 days ago

Thanks Shawn! Glad you liked it. And you’re absolutely right about owning it. Entrepreneurs have the passion and knowledge to create content that people will appreciate and enjoy.

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